McDougle Middle School
Diane Pledger - On her education and school experiences
“Education is the key to having more and representing your people and making it to the next level. So, in the whole realm of education, we had to make sure that within the school system, we were getting ours. That we were afforded the opportunity to get ours.”
- Diane Pledger
Diane Pledger…
Diane Pledger - On her education and school experiences
Hilliard Caldwell - Speaking about his childhood, family, and race
I was president of my student body at Lincoln High from 1955-56. That was the first time that I'd ever ran for an office where people voted for you based on what you stood for. Having experienced that in an all Black high school was the driving point in getting me to want to run for public office…
Hilliard Caldwell - Speaking about his childhood, family, and race
McDougle Middle School
"I know at McDougle Middle School where I worked part-time for the past six years, I made many a phone call encouraging Blacks to come to PTA meetings and to let them know that it was very important to be involved. I did encourage becoming leaders within the PTA."
- Hilliard Caldwell
McDougle Middle…
McDougle Middle School